Transport for NSW
On behalf of the Australian and NSW governments, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) proposes to build a new M12 Motorway to connect the M7 Motorway, near Cecil Hills, connecting to the Badgerys Creek Airport and to The Northern Road, near Luddenham. Proposed as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan (WSIP), this 16km Motorway would provide the major access route to the Western Sydney Airport from the Sydney and connect to Sydney’s motorway network.
CCHD have provided extensive support to TfNSW throughout the development of this landmark project with project management, traffic engineering, strategic traffic modelling, design and business case development.
Strategic design involved development of the M12 alignment and the major multi-level airport interchange. This included coordination and redesign of adjoining major projects including Outer Sydney Orbital, The Northern Road, Airport Railway connection, WSA access and major drainage lines.
CCHD completed the cost estimation throughout strategic planning and concept design phase.
In relation to the business case process, CCHD drafted the Strategic Business Case and Economic Appraisal (Vartguess Markarian) and presented it to Infrastructure Australia. CCHD then prepared the Final Business Case (Development Project Proposal Report), economic appraisal including Wider Economic Benefits (WEBS) and the Infrastructure Australia Stage 4 Assessment.
Client Quote: CCHD were engaged to develop and assess options for The Northern Road and M12\Motorway interface with other major transport projects in Western Sydney. They were instrumental in developing innovative solutions to complex design issues and their constraints. Their work is now being used by a number of NSW government agencies as the basis of transport infrastructure planning around the Western Sydney Airport.
Reporting Officer: Emma Davies Date: 15/02/2017
RMS Contractor Performance Report Overall 9/10 (Superior)