Transport for NSW (City of Sydney LGA)


As part of the COVID19 response TfNSW installed temporary popup cycleways giving people more options to travel safely, more ways to exercise and to access local services, including public transport. In 2022, TfNSW announced the upgrade of the Bridge Road (Glebe) cycleway to permanent. This involved the removal of existing clearway and some on-street parking and construction of a 0.4m wide raised concrete median separating the 1.5m cycleway with the vehicle travel lane. Raised-threshold pedestrian facilities were proposed along the corridor to increase safety and active transport connectivity. As part of the concept design development, CCHD were engaged to conduct traffic modelling at intersections along the Bridge Road corridor. This was carried out to confirm traffic performance and identify extent of on-road cycleway. Based on the traffic modelling and working closely with TfNSW project managers, the CCHD team developed a concept design that identified locations were auxiliary lane lengths could be reduced and cycleway separator could be extended to increase user safety. This concept was carried through to detail design modelling, extracting quantities and “Issued for Tender” (IFT) documentation. This IFT design package underwent a rigorous road safety audit by CCHD independent RSA group with findings being incorporated into the final “Issued for Construction” design.