Bridge Road Cycleway – Glebe

Client Transport for NSW (City of Sydney LGA) Weblink As part of the COVID19 response TfNSW installed temporary popup cycleways giving people more options to travel safely, more ways to exercise and to access local services, including public transport. In 2022, TfNSW announced the upgrade of the Bridge Road (Glebe) cycleway to permanent. This involved…

M1 Motorway to Raymond Terrace Upgrade

Client Transport for NSW Web Link The $2.1 billion M1 Pacific Motorway extension to Raymond Terrace has been approved by the Australian and New South Wales Governments. The project will deliver a 15-kilometre extension of the M1 Pacific Motorway from Black Hill to Raymond Terrace, including a 2.6-kilometre-long bridge over the New England Highway and…

Rawsonville Bridge Replacement, Rawsonville

Client Transport for NSW Web Link The NSW Government has committed $12.5 million to replace the Rawsonville Bridge over the Macquarie River, west of Dubbo. The replacement will consist of a new concrete bridge which will increase load capacity, improve safety and reduce ongoing maintenance costs. CCHD were engaged by TfNSW to carry out the…

Picton Road Upgrade

Client Transport for NSW Web Link Picton Road provides an important link between the Illawarra Region and Sydney carrying a substantial volume of heavy vehicles (25%). TfNSW are at various stages of development for the proposed upgrade along this corridor between the Wilton Growth Area and the M1 Princes Motorway, including the interchange with the…

Easing Sydney Congestion Program

Client Transport for NSW Web Link Sydney’s Easing Congestion Program is a TfNSW funded project focusing on bus priority infrastructure, pinch point programs and Sydney clearways program. CCHD has been engaged to partner in a Joint Venture with Arcadis and GHD to undertake works for TfNSW Easing Sydney Congestion (ESC) Program focusing on Pinch Point…

Muswellbrook Bypass

Client Transport for NSW Web Link TfNSW are currently developing a Bypass of the Muswellbrook township. The Muswellbrook Bypass will be a key piece of infrastructure along the New England Highway in NSW’s Hunter Region and will improve travel times, freight efficiency and safety for all road users. CCHD was initially engaged to develop the…

M12 Motorway & Outer Sydney Orbital

Client Transport for NSW Web Link On behalf of the Australian and NSW governments, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) proposes to build a new M12 Motorway to connect the M7 Motorway, near Cecil Hills, connecting to the Badgerys Creek Airport and to The Northern Road, near Luddenham. Proposed as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan…

Old Bar Road Upgrade

Client Mid Coast Council Web Link CCHD have worked with Mid Coast Council on the incremental upgrade of Old Bar Road, between the M1 Motorway and Old Bar from concept layouts to detail design IFC documentation. The works involved widening the existing carriageway to accommodate the desired carriageway cross section (lane widths/widening & shoulders) and…

Cedar Party Creek Bridge Replacement

Client Mid Coast Council Weblink The upgrade of Cedar Party Creek Bridge located at the entrance of Wingham is funded by a $19.5 million-dollar grant from the NSW government. The upgrade consists of the full upgrade and increased elevation of the aged bridge to meet future demand and exceed the 100-year flood level, improving flood…