Transport for NSW

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CCHD have had several engagements assisting with development of the Ourimbah Interchange upgrade. The first project scope was strategic design master-planning exercise investigating alternate options for improvements to traffic efficiency and safety for the interchange. Options ranged from minor improvements such as extension to deceleration and acceleration lanes and signalsisation of the dumbbell roundabouts to more substantial treatments such as alternate exit ramp locations and major interchange reconfigurations.

Our second project in this vicinity consisted of the upgrade of the Ourimbah Rest Area, located on the Western side of the M1. The project aimed to improve parking arrangement, pedestrian safety and traffic delineation of the rest area. CCHD developed concept design through to detail design including IFC Plan set, detailed design report, cost estimate, and coordinated drainage design and lighting design from our sub-consultants.

Our third project at the Ourimbah Interchange was the concept design and detail design for increased capacity on the northbound and southbound exit ramp and implementation of traffic control signals on the western roundabout. Deliverables in this package included IFC Plan set and construction model, detailed design report, Traffic Signal Design, cost estimate, and coordinated drainage design and lighting design from our sub-consultants.